Funny bunny with summer fashion wear

by palomaironique - uploaded on June 4, 2011, 10:17 pm

Funny bunny with summer fashion wear - Drôle de lapin avec un style à la mode estivale - Lustige Hase mit Sommermode tragen - Coniglietto divertente con uno stile alla moda d'estate (partially remixed from "Martouf" and "Anonymous" illustrations)

Bild Cartoon Comic Farbe Farben Ferien Figur Grafik Ikone Inkscape Kaninchen Karotte Kleidung Liebe Linie Maskottchen Medien Mütze Sommer Stil Symbol Urlaub Vektor Wear Zeichen abbigliamento aime aimer amare amo amore amour amuesant amusant amusing amüsant animal animale anziehen art bande barfuss barfuß berretto buffo bunny cappello carota carotte carrot cartoon casquette ciabatte colorato colore colori comics confection coniglietto coniglio couleur couleurs cucciolo dessinée divertente divertimento divertissant domain domaine drollig drôle entertaining estate faccia faccina face fashion feriados figure fumetti fumetto fun funny férias fériés giocattolo giochi grafica graphic graphique habiller habit hat head holiday holidays icon icona icône immagine indossare jouet jours komisch laecherlich lapin lapinou lepre ligne line linea lineart lièvre logo love lustig lächerlich mammal mammifero mammifère mascot mascotte mettere mettre moda mode museau musetto muso nu nu-pieds outline peluche pieds plush port portafortuna portare porter public puppy rabbit segno sign signe simbolo snuggy spassig spaßig stile style summer symbol symbole talismano testa tongue toudou toy tragen tête vacaciones vacances vacanze vecteur vector vestire vestito vettore vettoriale visage vogue vêtements witzig été
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