
by Lazur - uploaded on August 22, 2016, 3:56 pm

A cube with 1m edge in an ortographic projection where x, and y axises are aligned to 22° and 40° from the horizontal. (In 1:1 scale @90 dpi.)

With three other views that show the faces in their true size.

Those are parents, with ellipses and polygons aligned to the projection,

making the axonometric view have ellipses with their right axises made up of the clones.

Can come handy for drawing cylinders.

2016 3D Euclid Gaspard Monge Lazur Platonian solid URH affine transformation axis axonometric cube cubic descriptive geometry geometric art geometry hexahedron mesh object orto projection ortographic parallel poly polyhedron remix+259494 remix+259495 remix+259497 solid square transformation
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