A018: Windows of train broke with machine gun (Animation SMIL)

by danjiro - uploaded on August 2, 2017, 12:22 am

The windows of the train broke with a machine gun.

You can edit this SVG SMIL animation with 9VAe (codepen.io/danjiro/post/9vae-introduction).

IE / Edge can see only still image. Use the other browsers to see SMIL animation.

remix+277768 9va-pi 9VAe animation cartoon comic characters train remix+234730 remix+235126 remix+236043 remix+237169 remix+238301 remix+245765 remix+246810 remix+247479 remix+250758 remix+252526 remix+253588 remix+255358 remix+257293 remix+261090 remix+261092 SMIL
Safe for Work?


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