by Hyperslower - uploaded on April 19, 2023, 1:53 pm

Following the tensions and wars that are shaking the planet earth at the moment, I was inspired by the Statue of Liberty (located on "Liberty Island" in New York) to create this clipart representing PEACE ISLAND, an imaginary island located somewhere in a conflict zone.

The idea is to propose an initiatory journey that begins with the arrival on the island by military ship (or submarine). The reception pontoon is on the left side of the island, which is very austere and cold. I wanted to make this space stressful (like a military base) and create uneasiness in the visitor's mind... especially by introducing an actor who represents death (with his scythe and his big hood). This character creates fear and also a desire to defend oneself by fighting. I wanted there to be a feeling of war with death lurking permanently.

The second step is to enter the "statue of peace" by passing under his robe (or toga). The visitor climbs up, partly on foot, crossing the rectum and intestine of this non-binary character who shows us the fingers of victory (in the shape of a V). This ascent is painful because it is punctuated by images of murders, massacres, genocides, crimes caused by war or by acts of aggression. Once again, I seek the awareness that the force of death directs all these acts and that life seems to be absent.

At the top, in the head, the brain offers a moment of reflection to visitors. Also, a panoramic point of view, located in the mouth, proposes to look at things from above and to take a step back on the world. I see this moment as a moment of debate and philosophical discussion. The desire is to use one's brain rather than one's muscles, to think about other ways of resolving conflicts... which are inevitable. Politics, collective action, non-violence, art are solutions that will be exposed.

Then comes a moment of letting go, of relaxing. Yes, it consists of a gigantic colorful slide (formed by the long hair that snake and fall to the ground). This physical pleasure of letting go is a way of emptying one's mind of the stress previously felt during the visit.

When leaving the statue by the slide, the visitor discovers another part of this island. Indeed, he finds himself in a kind of oasis, a garden of Eden in which people are relaxed and animals are allowed. Nature here symbolizes the life and vitality that is each individual. Food is offered to everyone free of charge and there are shows as well.

At the end, the departure pontoon allows visitors to leave the island... by sailboat this time.

Precision: The dove is a balloon which moves according to the wind.

This scenario is completely far-fetched and strange, but I share it with you anyway.

peace island statue Liberty monument visit visitor tour tourism boat dove trip garden military war paix remix+340031 remix+340344 remix+182180 remix+215420 remix+284272 remix+270922 remix+251560
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