May Clipart Be Used?

Openclipart may be used for any purpose, including unlimited commercial productions, as royalty-free clipart, for schools, churches, commercial and non-commercial reasons. The Openclipart community believes that clipart should be removed of as many restrictions as humanly possible so that the clipart may spread as far and wide as un-imaginable. If in doubt, use our clipart. The following chart explains clearly common uses we allow, which is all uses.

Permitted UseCommercialNon-CommercialNotes
WebsitesYESYESUnlimited use of clipart at all possible resolutions or forms of clipart file.
Toolbar skins, screensavers and mobile phone "wallpaper"YESYESAll uses allowed, including personal use.
Prints, posters (i.e. a hardcopy) and other reproductionsYESYESAll printed materials allowed for reproduction.
As a hand painted reproduction on canvas or other material to be used as decorationYESYESAll painted materials allowed for reproduction.
In coordination with opt-in email marketingYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
On letterhead and business cards, pamphlets, brochures, catalogs and on pop up and/or panel displays for use in conventions and trade showsYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
In the artwork for the packaging of any productYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Incorporated into software as a background image or splash screenYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Multimedia presentations and incorporated into film, video for broadcast and/or theatrical displayYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Multimedia presentations and incorporated into film and video for distribution and/or sale in the home video marketYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
CD or DVD cover art and/or artworkYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
In editorial or advertising copy in magazines, newspapers, books, book covers, textbooks, editorials and directoriesYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
In eBooks, including multi seat license electronic textbooksYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
In advertising posters for use in promoting the sale of other productsYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Incorporated into merchandise for resale or distribution, without regard to the size of the manufacturing or duplication run of such merchandise YESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Incorporated in merchandise for resale or distribution, including without limitation, clothing, artwork, magnets, posters, calendars, mugs and mousepadsYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
As decoration in an office, restaurant, public area, home, or store owned or rented by Subscriber or by a client for whom Subscriber renders design servicesYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Print on-demandYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Share an Image by providing access to such Image on shared disk drives, computer networks, intranets of any nature or otherwiseYESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Use Openclipart clipart in a competitive way to Openclipart.YESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Use any Image (in whole or in part) as a trademark, service mark, logo, or other indication of origin.YESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Use or display an Image in such a manner that gives the impression that the Image was created by you or a person other than the copyright holder of that Image.YESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Stockpile, download, or otherwise store Openclipart clipart.YESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Use automated programs, applets, bots etc., to download Images or for any other purpose.YESYESAll clipart allowed for use.
Use Openclipart in your App, Software, or Website.YESYESAll clipart allowed for use.